Roncador Seamount Expedition
Submerged Volcano Crater
Dive expeditiion: Roncador Seamount Exploration. August 2021
Dive San Andres Archipelago
Explore some of the most remote reefs in the Caribbean
Special Deals for 2021
USD 1,145
In July S/Y Quest is heading to San Andres archipelago to spend July and August diving some of the most remote reefs in the Caribbean. We will do eight one week trips, 7 days / 6 nights, departing from San Andres.
San Andres Archipelago is a vast area of reefs extending from Bajo Nuevo Bank in the north to Cayo de Alburquerquue in the south. Although it is located off the coast of Nicaragua it belongs to Colombia.
San Andres Archipelago includes the SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve, one of the most important protected marine areas in the western hemisphere.

Trip Description
Our trip will will take us from San Andres to Isla Providence, Serrana Bank and Roncador Bank
In Isla Providencia we will do two shark dives before lunch with the local dive operator Felipes Diving. During lunch we are heading north for more diving in the afternoon in Isla Providencia.
After dinner we sail over night to Serrana Bank were we will spend the day diving. It is also possible to take a tour of the island that is teaming with bird life.
We then set sail after dinner for another night passage under a Caribbean sky to Roncador Bank.
Roncador is a sea mount and submerged volcano. You can actually see the crater very clearly in the photo below. We spend two full days of diving in Roncador both inside the crater and on the outer wall. We then set sail again in the evening back to Isla Providencia.
We will be diving Providencia before lunch and in the afternoon you can explore this remote Caribbean Pearl
That evening we will have dinner ashore at Roland's Reggae Bar which is located right on the beach. Quest will be at anchor off the beach. So a perfect ending of a unique dive trip. After dinner and some relaxing we return to Quest to sail over night back to San Andres, where we will arrive the following morning.
Day 1: (Sunday) Departure San Andres at 12:00
Dive San Andres in the after noon.
After dinner sail over night to Isla Providencia
Day 2: (Monday) Two shark dives before lunch
with local dive operator Felipe Diving
After lunch dive northern part of Isla Providencia
After dinner sail over night to Serrana Bank
Day 3: (Tuesday) Full day of diving at Serrana Bank.
After dinner sail over night to Roncador
Day 4: (Wednesday) Full day of diving at Roncador
At Anchor over night
Day 5: (Thurday) Full day of diving at Roncador.
After dinner sail over night to Isla Providencia
Day 6: (Friday) Diving Isla Providencia before lunch.
In the afternoon you can tour the island, and in the evening we have dinner ashore at Rolands Bar on the beach
After dinner sail overnight to San Andres
Day 7: (Saturday) Arrive San Andres in the morning
After breakfast disembark.
Shark Diving with Felipe in Isla Providencia

Dive Schedule San Andres Archipelago 2021
4 July
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
Charter only
On Request
11 July
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
USD 1,680
USD 1,145
Special Deal
18 July
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
Charter only
On Request
25 July
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
USD 1,680
USD 1,145
Special Deal
1 August
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
Charter only
On Request
8 August
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
USD 1,680
USD 1,145
Special Deal
15 August
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
Charter only
On Request
22 August
San Andres Archipelago Dive Expedition
San Andres - San Andres
Visiting the remote & exquisite dive sites of:
San Andres – Isla Providencia – Serena Bank – Roncador Bank
7 days / 6 nights
USD 1,680