Trip reports
At the moment we are doing research for the upcoming whale trips. In June 2025 we will set the schedule for 2026 season.
Whale and dolphin sightings:
26 January
Atlantic Spotted dolphins, possibility to swim with them
Bottlenose dolphins, possibility to swim with them
27 January
Pilot Whales, around 25 whales, possibility to swim with them
28 January
Pilot Whales, around 50 whales, possibility to swim with them
Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, possibility to swim with them
Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, possibility to swim with them
29 January,
Sperm whales, between 10 – 15 whales, one whale breached five times
1 February
Pilot Whales, possibility to swim with them
2 February
Sperm Whales, possibility to swim with them
We listened to the hydrophone and could hear sperm whales
3 February
No sightings
4 February
Atlantic Spotted dolphins, with baby dolphins, possibility to swim with them
Sperm whale, full grown male 18 meters
Pilot whales, around 30-40 with baby whales, possibility to swim with them
Sperm whale
We listened to the hydrophone twice were we could hear sperm whale clicking and distant humpback whale songs